Benoit Chatelier

Benoit Chatelier

Press release: MeltingSpot raises $3M

● MeltingSpot is surfing the wave of online communities and wants to establish itself as the reference tool for companies that choose to adopt a Community-Led Growth strategy, outside of social networks. ● MeltingSpot announces a $3M round of seed funding with Ankaa Ventures, Isai, SaaS Partners, Kima and Notus Technologies, as

Communiqué de presse : MeltingSpot lève 2,8M€

* MeltingSpot vient de lancer la première version de sa Community Platform et a déjà réussi à convaincre plusieurs centaines de clients. * MeltingSpot surfe sur la vague des communautés en ligne et veut s’imposer comme l’outil de référence pour les entreprises qui souhaitent adopter une stratégie de Community-Led Growth.

Boosting growth through community

Visibility, credibility, awareness... What if the benefits of a community strategy went beyond that? What if, thanks to the creation, animation and commitment of a close-knit community, companies could achieve other valuable goals?

Community Building: the new trend

Today, Community Management is an integral part of our vocabulary. But have you ever heard of its successor... Community Building? What is this new concept in full expansion, which gives birth to new professions of the future?
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