How to Build an Engaged Community for Your Brand?

For most brands, developing a successful, vibrant online community is a primary objective. With the advent of digital, interaction with customers in virtual spaces has become so common that community building is now an essential part of any brand’s marketing strategy

Community Marketing: How to stand out?

Amidst the myriad priorities of modern businesses, one stands out and deserves your utmost attention: developing a community marketing strategy. Community marketing, also known as community-based marketing, is a golden lever to set yourself apart from the competition.

Communities and web 3

World Wide Web is over 30 years old. And since its creation in 1989, different versions have followed one another. After web 1.0 (and the emergence of websites and e-commerce), then web 2.0 (with the rise of social media and m-commerce), it's time for web 3.0 to make its entrance.

Boosting growth through community

Visibility, credibility, awareness... What if the benefits of a community strategy went beyond that? What if, thanks to the creation, animation and commitment of a close-knit community, companies could achieve other valuable goals?

Community Building: the new trend

Today, Community Management is an integral part of our vocabulary. But have you ever heard of its successor... Community Building? What is this new concept in full expansion, which gives birth to new professions of the future?

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