Benoit Chatelier

Benoit Chatelier

Customer Success KPIs: Metrics & Benchmarks

A survey from the Temkin Group shows that bad news isn’t the only thing that travels fast. They found that 77% of customers would recommend and provide a referral to a company to a friend with whom they’ve had a great experience. In the dynamic landscape of customer-centric

How To Use ChatGPT In Customer Success

In this evolving world of artificial intelligence, where every industry is adapting to various tools, ChatGPT has emerged as a game changer, marking its popularity in almost every field. From photography to e-commerce, it has truly changed how businesses run. Yet, when it comes to customer success, many people have

How to Scale Your Customer Success: Strategies for Sustainable Growth

For every SaaS product, scaling customer success is not just a goal but a necessity for sustainable growth. As companies expand their customer base, ensuring that each customer receives the attention and support they need becomes increasingly challenging. Scaling customer success involves implementing strategies and leveraging tools to maintain high-quality

The Importance Of Building A Customer Onboarding Journey

Can you imagine customers eagerly buying your new product or service, something you're proud of, only to feel lost when trying to get started? Yes, that might be happening right under your nose! You may have been unknowingly sending tons of customers away due to unsuccessful customer onboarding.
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