Price Bee's Transformation with MeltingSpot_background

MeltingSpot’s journey with Price bee, a leading CPQ SaaS, transformed their business, specializing in construction material pricing and sales.

MeltingSpot is no stranger to success stories, but the journey with Price Bee stands out as one of the most remarkable. Price Bee, a leading CPQ SaaS for construction material producers, specializes in helping clients price, quote, and sell products like aggregates, ready mix, and asphalt with ease.

Today, we are thrilled to present Price Bee’s experience directly from the words of Julia, the co-founder, as she takes us through their impressive journey with MeltingSpot and how it has transformed their business.

  1. Price Bee’s Problem
  2. How MeltingSpot Helped Price Bee
  3. The Key Advantage of MeltingSpot: Using an Embedded Approach
  4. Achieving Business Objectives
  5. Feedback and Recommendations
    1. Introducing MeltingSpot to Users
    2. Starting Slowly and Adapting
  6. Conclusion

Price Bee’s Problem

Before teaming up with MeltingSpot, Price Bee had some big challenges with user guidance and content delivery. Julia, told us: "At Price Bee, we love guiding our users through every step because it helps us get feedback and answer questions right away. This process helps us build strong connections, but it also has its downsides: it's time-consuming, repetitive, and labor-intensive. Plus, we often lose track of important content. We needed a solution that would keep us close to our users while making everything more efficient."

How MeltingSpot Helped Price Bee

The deployment of MeltingSpot was a real game-changer for Price Bee. It boosted user engagement and made content delivery much easier. Julia shared that Price Bee is thrilled with how smoothly everything went. It even exceeded their expectations.

"It was quite surprising how well it went. When we launched weekly live sessions on MeltingSpot, the turnout was almost 50%. We couldn’t believe it. Our industry is often seen as conservative, but this experience showed us that users are ready to modernize the way they work with tools like MeltingSpot."

MeltingSpot made a huge difference for Price Bee, and it can do the same for you. Go check out our product and discover just how we can completely transform your business.

The Key Advantage of MeltingSpot: Using an Embedded Approach

At MeltingSpot, we zeroed in on Price Bee's exact challenges and provided just what they needed. Here is what Julia had to say about the embedded approach we used:

"Price Bee makes things as simple as possible for its users. We wouldn’t want them to be redirected to another platform to seek content."

We focused on creating a seamless integration that kept everything within one platform, making the user experience smooth and hassle-free. This approach greatly improved user satisfaction and engagement. This is how we helped Price Bee, and the results speak for themselves.

Achieving Business Objectives

Since bringing MeltingSpot on board, Price Bee has seen some fantastic improvements:

  • Engagement and Trust Boost: "Thanks to MeltingSpot, we created more user engagement and trust."
  • Huge Time Savings: "Price Bee is now saving tons of time on content creation."
  • Quick and Easy Content Sharing: "In less than 2 hours per week, we create and share online content that can be easily accessed by all our users."
  • Automated Updates: "No more sending product update letters manually - MeltingSpot takes care of monthly update emails."

The next step for Price Bee is to handle initial onboarding for all new non-admin users through MeltingSpot.

Feedback and Recommendations

Julia had some great tips for other SaaS companies looking to make the most out of MeltingSpot. Here’s what she shared:

Introducing MeltingSpot to Users

"First, properly introduce MeltingSpot to users. This is a critical step. Explain the purposes and show where it can be found even if the spot is still empty. The key is to make sure that users know what is coming."

Starting Slowly and Adapting

"I think the best way is to start slowly and adapt to users 'on the fly'. I would not recommend spending too much time strategizing and trying to cover all onboarding cases. By getting feedback and analyzing user reactions, it is easier to build something users would like and look forward to."


Working with MeltingSpot has been a game-changer for Price Bee. The easy setup and ability to keep everything in one place have made their operations smoother and their user engagement stronger. Julia's experience is a great example for all you SaaS companies looking to achieve the same.

Ready to transform your business? Book a meeting with our Sales team or get started today!

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