Price Bee's Transformation with MeltingSpot_background

Discover how Pricebee, a leading CPQ SaaS for construction material producers, achieved remarkable efficiency gains and user engagement through their partnership with MeltingSpot. Dive into their transformative journey and glean insights for elevating customer success in the digital age.

In the realm of construction material production, Pricebee stands out as a leading CPQ SaaS, streamlining the pricing, quoting, and selling processes for aggregates, ready mix, and asphalt. However, with a commitment to personalized user guidance, Pricebee faced challenges of repetitive tasks, content loss, and labor-intensive processes. In this customer story, we'll delve into Pricebee's initial challenges, the seamless deployment of MeltingSpot, its impact on user experience, and the promising future it heralds.

  1. Introduction to Pricebee and its challenges.
  2. Deployment of MeltingSpot: A surprising success.
  3. Importance of the "embedded" approach for Pricebee and its users.
  4. Feedback and experiences: A blessing for Pricebee teams.
  5. Achieving business objectives and future prospects.
  6. Advice for SaaS companies considering Customer Academy deployment.

Can you introduce Pricebee and its activity?

Price bee is a CPQ SaaS for construction material producers. In simple words, we help our clients to price, quote & sell aggregates, ready mix, and asphalt.

pricebee customer story meltingspot

What business challenges were you looking to address before deploying MeltingSpot?

At Price Bee, we love guiding users throughout every step of the process to get immediate feedback and answer questions. However, this personalized approach had drawbacks: time-consuming repetition, content loss, and labor intensiveness. We sought a solution to stay close to our users while optimizing the process.

How did the deployment of MeltingSpot go?

It was quite surprising how well it went. When we launched weekly lives on Melting Spot, the turn rate was almost 50%. We couldn’t believe it. Our industry is often seen as conservative, but this experience made us realize that users are ready to modernize the way they work by using tools like MeltingSpot.

Is the "embedded" approach particularly important for Pricebee and its users?

Absolutely. Price Bee makes things as simple as possible for its users. We wouldn’t want them to be redirected to some other platform to seek content.

Any feedback or experiences you would like to share?

Price Bee teams loved it, and it was kind of a blessing for us to come across MeltingSpot.

What business objectives have been achieved (or are on track to be achieved in the coming months)?

Thanks to MeltingSpot, we created more user engagement and trust, significantly saving time for content creation. Now, in less than 2 hours per week, we create and share online content easily accessible to all users. We stopped sending product update letters because MeltingSpot generates monthly update emails. The next step for us is to try the initial onboarding for all new non-admin users via MeltingSpot.

What advice would you give to a SaaS looking to digitize its customer success by deploying a Customer Academy?

First, properly introduce MeltingSpot to users. This is a critical step. Explain the purposes and show where it can be found, even if the spot is still empty. The key is to make sure that users know what is coming. Then, the best way is to start slowly and adapt to users “on the fly.” I would not recommend spending too much time on strategizing and trying to cover all onboarding cases. By getting feedback and analyzing user reactions, it is easier to build something users would like and look forward to.

In the journey towards digital transformation, Pricebee's partnership with MeltingSpot has been nothing short of revolutionary. Through seamless integration and a commitment to user-centricity, Pricebee not only overcame its initial challenges but also unlocked unprecedented levels of engagement and efficiency. The success story of Pricebee serves as a beacon of inspiration for SaaS companies seeking to elevate their customer success strategies. As technology continues to evolve, the fusion of innovation and adaptability emerges as the cornerstone of sustainable growth. With MeltingSpot paving the way, Pricebee embarks on a future brimming with promise, propelled by the relentless pursuit of excellence in user experience and satisfaction.


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