In this article, we’ll take you through Nisha’s remarkable path from her early days at Gong to her current role as the head of community and customer success.
In this article, we discuss the three main customer success strategies - low-touch, mid-touch, and high-touch - and show you how each one can make a big difference.
In this article, we share some practical tips and insights from Nisha Baxi, Head of Community & Digital Customer Success at Gong. Once you go through this article you will be ready to launch your own personalization strategies for customer success!
Ever felt lost in the clutter of too much information? That's often the hurdle your customers face when they use your SaaS platform. What if you could strip away the excess and highlight what truly matters?
This article delves into the high touch vs. low touch customer success strategies, highlighting their key differences, benefits, and how to decide which approach is right for your business.
Cet article explore le concept du high touch customer success, ses avantages et comment intégrer une plateforme comme MeltingSpot peut élever votre stratégie high touch à de nouveaux sommets.
This article explores the concept of high touch customer success, its benefits, and how integrating a platform like MeltingSpot can elevate your high touch strategy to new heights.
Cet article explore les stratégies de succès client high touch vs. low touch, en soulignant leurs principales différences, avantages, et comment décider quelle approche convient le mieux à votre entreprise.
Dans cet article, nous allons plonger dans la définition et les principes du low touch, et comment MeltingSpot peut vous aider à mettre en œuvre ces stratégies pour améliorer votre succès client.
In this article, we will dive into the meaning and principles of low touch, and how MeltingSpot can help you implement these strategies to enhance your customer success.
Dans cet article, on va vous montrer comment optimiser votre succès client avec le low touch, en vous appuyant sur des outils automatisés et des ressources éducatives continues.
In this article, we discuss Jonny's insights and explore the benefits and challenges of group training, helping you understand why they are becoming an essential tool for customer success.
Using the same strategies for everyone can lead to missed opportunities and unsatisfied customers. The difficulty that arises for many companies is how to segment their audience effectively. Don't worry; this article is all you need to know about some major segmentation strategies.
In this article, we discuss the pitfalls and solutions Jonny discussed and uncover strategies to help you enhance your customer success approach without losing that human touch.
-6 min read
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