The Power of Community in Customer Success: Benefits and Implementation Strategies_background

In this article, you'll learn from Jonny’s experiences and get some great tips on creating a vibrant customer community.

Building a strong community among your customers isn't just a nice idea - it's essential. In fact, 66% of companies with branded communities report a positive impact on customer retention. (Source: Higher Logic). Many businesses struggle to keep their customers engaged and happy, often overlooking the powerful benefits of a customer community.

When done right, a customer community can greatly improve customer success. It gives users a place to connect, share their experiences, and help each other out. Jonny Tennyson, Head of Customer Success at Secure Code Warrior, has shared his insights on the importance of building these communities and offers practical advice on how to do it effectively. In this article, you'll learn from Jonny’s experiences and get some great tips on creating a vibrant customer community.

  1. The Benefits of Building a Customer Community
    1. Peer Support and Knowledge Sharing
    2. Increased Engagement
    3. Enhanced Customer Loyalty
    4. Valuable Customer Insights
    5. Reduced Support Costs
  2. Implementing a Customer Community: Key Strategies
    1. Define Your Community Goals
    2. Choose the Right Platform
    3. Building a Positive Culture
    4. Engage Community Leaders
    5. Provide Valuable Content
    6. Encourage Participation
    7. Moderate Effectively
    8. Gather and Act on Feedback
  3. Case Study: Secure Code Warrior’s Community Approach
  4. Challenges and Solutions in Building a Customer Community
    1. Initial Engagement
    2. Sustaining Participation
    3. Balancing Moderation
    4. Measuring Success
  5. Leveraging Technology for Community Building
  6. Future Trends in Customer Communities
  7. Conclusion

The Benefits of Building a Customer Community

Building a customer community can greatly enhance customer engagement and loyalty. Here are the key benefits you can expect:

1. Peer Support and Knowledge Sharing

A well-established community allows customers to share their knowledge and experiences. This peer-to-peer support and chatting can help users solve problems more quickly and learn best practices from others.

Jonny Tennyson points out how organizing these chats during specific times can make a big difference. He mentions, “Office hours can be very successful as long as they are properly manned.” This means setting up regular times when more experienced folks or team members are available to sort out the problems and offer their know-how.

You can think of these "office hours" as a special time when you can get all the help you need in one place. It's like having a help desk where you can pop in, ask anything, and know you’ll get the support you need. This setup will not only clear up problems faster but also make everyone feel more connected and supported. Over time, this can turn a simple customer into a loyal fan who will love being part of your community.

2. Increased Engagement

When customers actively participate in a community, they're more likely to dig deeper into your product. They will spend time learning new features, trying out different uses, and becoming experts in their own right. You will be able to create a connection that would make them want to explore every corner of what you offer.

And guess what? You can bring this awesome learning experience right into your app or product. Our platform, MeltingSpot, makes it super easy to integrate these interactive elements. It helps turn every user's journey with your product into a learning adventure. They can chat, share, and get help—all without leaving your site or app. You can check out our product features for more information.

3. Enhanced Customer Loyalty

Being part of a community makes customers feel like they're part of something bigger than just a transaction. This sense of belonging can seriously boost their loyalty to your brand. This loyalty is gold for your business because loyal customers don’t just buy more; they also bring in new customers through their enthusiasm and recommendations. Plus, they tend to be more forgiving and patient if things go wrong because they trust you'll sort it out.

4. Valuable Customer Insights

When you've got a community of users, you're sitting on a goldmine of insights. People chat about what they love, what frustrates them, and what they wish they had. For example, if several users in a forum keep asking about how to integrate your product with another app, that’s a clear signal that there’s a demand for such a feature. This kind of feedback is invaluable because it comes straight from your users in real time, allowing you to adapt and respond much faster.

When you know what’s buzzing in the community, you can customize your messages and support to match user expectations, making your efforts more effective. Ultimately, these conversations will provide a window into your customers’ minds and help you make smarter decisions that will undoubtedly keep your business aligned with their needs.

5. Reduced Support Costs

Community forums are great for saving money on support. When customers help each other out with common problems, your support team gets fewer calls and emails. This means they can spend more time on the big issues that really need expert help. Companies that use customer communities have cut their support costs by about 33% in just one year. (Source: Aberdeen) That's a huge saving!

Let’s say a new user has a common problem. Instead of waiting for help from customer support, they can quickly find answers in the community from other users who have the same issue. This will not only fixe their problem faster but also means your support team doesn’t get bogged down with easy fixes and can focus on more important stuff.

Implementing a Customer Community: Key Strategies

Building a customer community is about creating a space where your customers can interact and help each other. It’s all about planning and setting the right foundation to encourage active participation and a sense of belonging. Here are some important steps to consider when you start crafting a community that your customers will actively engage with:

1. Define Your Community Goals

Before you start building a customer community, you should clearly know what you want to achieve. Setting clear goals will help shape your community and, in turn, your whole business. For example, if your goal is to improve customer support, your community should have features like a Q&A section where customers can quickly find answers. If you're aiming to increase engagement, you might focus on interactive elements like polls or contests.

Let's say your main aim is to gather feedback on new products. In this case, you might set up dedicated spaces within the community for beta testers to provide their insights and discuss with others. Clear goals like this will help you ensure that every part of your community is designed with a purpose, making it more likely that both your team and your customers will find it useful and engaging.

2. Choose the Right Platform

Picking the right platform is super important when you're setting up a community for your customers. You want a place that’s easy for everyone to use and really gets people talking. There are lots of choices, like specialized community software that have lots of cool features for keeping things organized and everyone happy. Or, you might go for something simpler like a social media group or a forum. Make sure whatever you choose has all the right tools to help people engage and lets you keep things under control.

Think about what your community needs. For example, if you have customers all over the world, find a platform that works well in different languages and on different devices. Choosing the right platform can really make a difference in how much people will chat and enjoy being part of the community.

If you’re feeling stuck on which platform to pick, check out our article on the top customer community platforms.

3. Building a Positive Culture

Creating a welcoming and supportive culture in your community is key. You want everyone to feel comfortable chatting, asking questions, and sharing tips. Make sure to encourage friendly and respectful interactions, and lay down some simple rules to keep conversations positive and productive.

Jonny Tennyson hits the nail on the head when he says, “For digital customers, the real secret sauce is getting that book together of the most important stuff in there and having that as the look here first.” By establishing a central resource or "go-to guide" as Jonny suggests, you will be helping new members find their footing right away.

4. Engage Community Leaders

In any community, having the right leaders can make all the difference. Look for community champions—these can be enthusiastic customers, knowledgeable industry experts, or dedicated members of your own team. These leaders are key to driving participation and helping other members feel supported and connected.

These community leaders act as role models and set the tone for interactions within the group. Their active participation can encourage others to contribute more and engage in meaningful ways. By answering questions, sparking discussions, and sharing their own experiences, they help maintain a vibrant community atmosphere.

5. Provide Valuable Content

Consistently offering valuable content will keep your community informed and engaged. This type of content might include blog posts that tackle common questions, webinars that delve into best practices, tutorials that demonstrate how to use new features, or Q&A sessions for real-time problem-solving.

Interestingly, 77% of support-based branded communities also integrate a knowledge base, proving its effectiveness in enriching the customer experience. At MeltingSpot, we’ve taken this to heart by providing a dedicated knowledge base that you can use to strengthen your customer support and engagement strategies. This way, you can be sure that every member of your community will have access to the information they need right when they need it.

If you’re curious about how our platform can enhance your customer community, book a demo today. Find out why we are confident in claiming that we have the best customer community solutions.

6. Encourage Participation

To keep your community lively, you'll want to encourage everyone to get involved. Ask questions, start discussions, and host events. These activities will invite members to share their experiences, seek help, and support each other.

When people participate, they will feel more connected and invested in the community. This will create a space where ideas will flow, and everyone will feel valued. By giving your members plenty of opportunities to interact, you will help your community stay active and supportive.

7. Moderate Effectively

To keep your community positive and productive, make sure it is well-moderated. Deal with any negative behavior quickly and stick to the community guidelines.

Good moderation will help create a respectful environment where everyone feels safe to join in. By handling issues promptly and enforcing the rules, you'll make the community a welcoming place for everyone to interact and support each other.

8. Gather and Act on Feedback

Use the community as a channel to gather insights on customer needs and preferences. Act on this feedback to improve your product and customer experience.

For example, if multiple community members suggest a new feature or point out an issue, take that feedback seriously. Implementing their suggestions can show that you value their input, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty. By continuously listening and making improvements based on feedback, you’ll keep your product relevant and your customers happy.

Case Study: Secure Code Warrior’s Community Approach

As we told you earlier, we had a very good discussion with Jonny Tennyson about how Secure Code Warrior built a successful customer community. They created a special platform where users could easily connect and share their experiences. This platform became a central hub, making it simple for customers to interact, ask questions, and give advice to each other.

Setting up this platform really boosted customer engagement. Users became more active, exploring new features and learning from one another. This increased customer satisfaction and helped users get more out of the product.

Jonny explained, “We put together a selection of the most important resources and made it easy for customers to find and use them.” They included tutorials, FAQs, and best practice guides, all in one place. This made it easy for customers to find the help they needed quickly.

The community platform also improved customer support. With users helping each other, the support team could focus on more complex issues. This peer-to-peer support system made the community more self-sufficient and reduced the workload for the support staff.

Challenges and Solutions in Building a Customer Community

Creating a customer community isn't always easy. However, for every challenge, there is a way to overcome it. Here are some common obstacles and solutions to help you build a thriving community:

1. Initial Engagement

Getting customers to join and participate in a new community can be challenging. People may be hesitant to engage with something new, and without active members, the community can feel empty and unwelcoming.

Solution: Promote the community through various channels, such as email campaigns, in-app notifications, and social media. Let your customers know about the community and its benefits. Offer incentives for joining, like exclusive content or early access to new features. These incentives can motivate people to take that first step and become active members of your community.

2. Sustaining Participation

Maintaining active participation over time requires ongoing effort. Without regular engagement, even the most enthusiastic members can lose interest, leading to a decline in community activity.

Solution: Regularly introduce new topics, host events, and highlight member contributions to keep the community vibrant and engaging. Fresh content and activities will keep members coming back. Recognize and celebrate active members to encourage ongoing participation. This could include shout-outs in newsletters, badges, or other rewards. By consistently providing new and interesting content, you will keep the community lively and dynamic.

3. Balancing Moderation

Finding the right balance between allowing free expression and maintaining order can be tricky. Too much control can stifle conversation, while too little can lead to chaos and negativity.

Solution: Create clear guidelines that outline what behavior is acceptable and train moderators to handle disputes fairly and consistently. Make sure the rules are easy to understand and apply them evenly to keep the community respectful and productive. Regularly update the guidelines based on community feedback and provide ongoing support for moderators. This way, you will maintain a healthy balance where everyone feels safe and free to express themselves.

4. Measuring Success

Measuring the success of a community can be complex. It’s not always clear which metrics reflect the true value and impact of the community.

Solution: Use metrics such as engagement rates, the number of active members, and the reduction in support tickets to gauge the community’s impact. Track how often members participate, post, and interact with each other. Monitor the number of active users over time to see if the community is growing.

community building challenges

For a more detailed guide, check out our article on the different customer success KPIs. This will give you more insights and tools to ensure your community is thriving.

Leveraging Technology for Community Building

Advanced technologies can enhance the community experience by providing personalized recommendations and automating routine tasks. AI and machine learning can analyze user behavior to suggest relevant content and connections, making the community more engaging and supportive.

The future of customer communities is looking exciting and more connected than ever. We're likely to see these communities becoming more integrated with other customer success efforts, like personalized support and proactive engagement. Technologies like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) will create a more immersive experience for your members.

To stay ahead and build a thriving community, it's important to keep up with these trends. For more detailed insights and practical tips on creating, maintaining, and making your community popular, check out our customer community cheat sheets. They offer comprehensive guidance to help you navigate the future of customer communities effectively.


Building a customer community is a great move for boosting customer success. It creates a place where customers can support each other, stay engaged, and share insights, all of which can lead to stronger loyalty and satisfaction over time.

Jonny Tennyson has shown us the importance of having a community that's well-organized and actively managed. As the world of SaaS keeps evolving, investing in customer communities is essential for engaging users, reducing support costs, and ensuring long-term success.

At MeltingSpot, you can form a perfect community. We’re all about helping you with onboarding, customer retention, and delivering top-notch customer education strategies. Discover how we can help you build and grow a thriving community that meets your needs.

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