Dans l’univers du B2B, les Académie de Clients se développent de plus en plus. Pennylane, Smappen, Plezi, Datananas… Ces solutions SaaS font partie des précurseurs en matière d’Académie. Et si vous souhaitez les rejoindre en créant la vôtre, vous êtes au bon endroit.
In the B2B world, Client Academies are becoming more and more common. Pennylane, Smappen, Plezi, Datananas... These SaaS solutions are among the pioneers in the field of Academies. And if you want to join them by creating your own, you've come to the right place
Today, the field of Community Building is experiencing significant growth. However, just a few years ago, the concept of communities was still in its infancy. Alexandre Louapre, the founder of KOMUNO, confirmed this to us. In 2016, he held the position of Head of Community at Crème de la Crème.
"Every company can become its own media: that is the belief of Gabriel Dabi-Schwebel, a pioneer in Inbound Marketing in France and founder of the agency 1min30."
Establishing a strong presence on social media is no longer just a priority for modern businesses. It has become a crucial aspect that cannot be overlooked.
Community-Led Growth is a growth strategy driven by one or more business communities. These communities, consisting of customers, partners, employees, or investors, are placed at the center of decision-making. And in recent years, their influence has been steadily increasing.
It's official, doubts are fading: NFTs are in high demand. The volume of NFT transactions surged by 38% between December 2022 and January 2023, reaching a staggering $946 million. However, there is a catch: this boom is mainly observed in the B2C space.
30% du chiffre d'affaires d’une PME provient de son réseau proche, en moyenne. Pour un indépendant, ce pourcentage peut atteindre jusqu'à 70 %, selon le site de la Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Paris (CCI) Paris-Ile-de-France.
A staggering 72% of marketers agree that webinars are the ultimate powerhouse for generating high-quality leads (GoToWebinar 2017). But, there's more: when you nail the perfect combination of captivating content & engaging delivery, webinars can become your secret weapon for customer loyalty.
Il existe des communautés partout autour de nous, que ce soient notre famille, nos collègues, nos amis ou des personnes partageant les mêmes hobbies ou intérêts. Tout comme les communautés en personne, les communautés en ligne fonctionnent sur le même principe, mais elles opèrent virtuellement.
The die is cast, the cards have been dealt anew. In the post-COVID era, the time has come to move beyond cultivating a passive following. This year, the imperative is to unite and actively engage a vibrant community... for the long haul.
-5 min read
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