How EnergyCAP Transforms Customer Engagement with MeltingSpot_background

Learn how EnergyCAP leveraged MeltingSpot to create a vibrant online community, meeting customer demands for remote interaction and boosting satisfaction.

Client: EnergyCAP

Industry: Energy and Sustainability

Customer Profile: EnergyCAP is a leading energy and sustainability platform that provides innovative solutions to its clients. They serve a diverse customer base, including businesses and organizations seeking to improve their energy efficiency and sustainability practices.

Challenge: EnergyCAP had been hosting in-person events to foster a sense of community among its customers. However, due to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, they needed a way to maintain this sense of community remotely. They wanted a platform that allowed their customers to interact, share insights, and collaborate effectively without waiting for the next in-person event.

Solution: EnergyCAP turned to MeltingSpot, a customer community platform, to address this challenge. MeltingSpot provided an ideal solution for EnergyCAP's need to build and maintain an online community for its customers. Here's how they used MeltingSpot to address their challenge.


  • EnergyCAP's journey with MeltingSpot began when they decided to explore options for creating an online community in response to their customers' demands for remote interaction.
  • According to Daniella Weston, Customer Marketing Manager at EnergyCAP, "We started using MeltingSpot because our customers were asking for a community."
  • They had previously hosted in-person events but wanted to offer an online community that would bridge the gap between these events, allowing customers to stay engaged throughout the year.
  • MeltingSpot's intuitive onboarding process made it easy for EnergyCAP to set up their "Eco Champions Community." The platform provided user-friendly templates that required no coding skills, enabling a seamless and hassle-free setup.


  • MeltingSpot proved to be an excellent choice for EnergyCAP's community-building efforts. It allowed them to create a vibrant and engaged online community quickly and efficiently.
  • As Daniella Weston pointed out, "I really appreciate MeltingSpot's communication with its users. They do a really good job of managing them and allowing other members to vote so that they can really understand the priorities of what we want to see on the platform."
  • EnergyCAP's customers appreciated MeltingSpot's approach to user engagement, which included soliciting feedback and allowing members to vote on platform enhancements. In Daniella's words, "We can truly see as users that our requests are making an impact, and they are truly making the platform something that we want and can use and is solving our problems."
  • In addition to customers, EnergyCAP also invited employees from various departments to join the MeltingSpot platform. This decision helped expose staff to valuable conversations and insights that wouldn't have occurred through traditional email or meetings.
  • According to Daniella Weston, "It's been really great to have both our customers and our employees on the platform because it really helps build that community that our customers are asking for."
  • The platform's flexibility allowed EnergyCAP to adapt and fine-tune the community based on user feedback, shifting from an industry-focused structure to one based on topics, further enhancing user experience and engagement.

Benefits: EnergyCAP's adoption of MeltingSpot brought several significant benefits:

  1. Seamless Community Building: MeltingSpot's user-friendly templates and onboarding process made it easy for EnergyCAP to set up their online community without requiring technical expertise.
  2. Enhanced User Engagement: The platform's communication tools and feedback mechanisms allowed customers to actively participate in shaping the community and influencing its direction.
  3. Cross-Department Collaboration: By inviting employees from different departments, EnergyCAP fostered collaboration and exposure to valuable insights among staff members.
  4. Flexible Community Structure: MeltingSpot's flexibility allowed EnergyCAP to adapt the community structure based on user feedback, ensuring a tailored and engaging experience for members.
  5. Customer Satisfaction: EnergyCAP's customers were delighted with the MeltingSpot platform, as it provided a means for them to interact, share insights, and collaborate effectively.

In conclusion, EnergyCAP successfully leveraged MeltingSpot to build and maintain a thriving customer community that met the demands of its customers and employees.

This case demonstrates how MeltingSpot can provide a versatile solution for companies seeking to create engaging and vibrant customer communities in response to changing business needs, as attested by Daniella Weston's insights.


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