Building an Effective Customer Knowledge Base: Best Practices and Common Mistakes

Many businesses struggle with their customer knowledge bases becoming cluttered and outdated, turning what should be a helpful resource into a source of frustration. Building and maintaining a useful knowledge base is challenging. You might already be familiar with some of these challenges, or perhaps you haven’t yet realized their impact. Jonny Tennyson, Head of Customer Success at Secure Code Warrior, offers valuable advice on this topic. He discusses the best practices and points out common pitfalls to avoid. By reading this article, you’ll get Jonny’s expert tips on how to make your knowledge base better for everyone.

  1. Introduction
  2. The Role of a Knowledge Base in Customer Success
  3. Best Practices for Building an Effective Customer Knowledge Base
    1. Start with a Solid Foundation
    2. Use Clear and Concise Language
    3. Incorporate Multimedia
    4. Implement a Search Function
    5. Continuously Update Content
    6. Organize Content Logically
    7. Solicit Customer Feedback
  4. Common Mistakes to Avoid
    1. Overloading with Information
    2. Neglecting the User Experience
    3. Ignoring Analytics
    4. Lack of Internal Collaboration
    5. Failure to Promote the Knowledge Base
  5. Leveraging Technology for a Better Knowledge Base
  6. Integrating with Other Support Channels
  7. Conclusion

The Role of a Customer Knowledge Base in Customer Success

A knowledge base serves as a self-service repository where customers can find information about your product, including how-to guides, troubleshooting tips, and FAQs. Jonny Tennyson emphasized the importance of a robust knowledge base, stating, “We should always have the library there. Like it should, we should always be filling it and putting more stuff in there.”

Example: Shopify is a great example. They have a knowledge base that helps people who run online stores. It shows them how to set up their store, manage what they sell, and handle payments. Shopify’s guides and videos make it easy for users to find answers on their own. This takes some pressure off their customer support team, which can then help with bigger problems.

NOTE: If you’re confused about which LMS would give you the best knowledge base, then check out our article on the top customer LMS options. Not every LMS includes a customer knowledge base, but it’s a must-have feature. Our article will help you find the right system that fits your needs, making it easier to keep your knowledge base organized and useful.

Best Practices for Building an Effective Customer Knowledge Base

Building an effective knowledge base requires careful planning and consistent effort. By following best practices, you can create a resource that is easy to navigate, up-to-date, and highly useful for your customers. Below are some key tips to help you get started:

Start with a Solid Foundation

Begin by deciding what main topics need to be included. This should cover basic product info, setup guides, common problems, and detailed feature descriptions. For example, if you’re making a knowledge base for software, start with articles on how to install it, an overview of its main features, and fixes for common issues. Make sure everything is organized in a simple and user-friendly way. Use clear headings and group similar topics together.

Use Clear and Concise Language

Write articles in clear, concise, and easy-to-understand language. Avoid technical jargon unless absolutely necessary, and always explain terms that might be unfamiliar to the average user. The goal is to make the information accessible to all customers, regardless of their technical expertise. For instance, when explaining how to install the software, use simple steps and everyday words so that anyone can follow along easily.

Incorporate Multimedia

Use a variety of media types to enhance understanding and engagement. This can include screenshots, diagrams, video tutorials, and step-by-step walkthroughs. Multimedia elements can make complex information more digestible and visually appealing. For example, a video tutorial can show a process in real-time, making it easier for users to follow along.

Screenshots with annotations can highlight important features or steps in a guide. Diagrams can simplify complex concepts by providing a visual representation. By using different types of media, you can accommodate different learning styles and make your knowledge base more effective and user-friendly.

Implement a Search Function

A powerful search function is crucial for helping users find the information they need quickly. Ensure that the search bar is prominently displayed and that the search results are relevant and accurate. Use tags and keywords to improve the searchability of articles. For example, if you have an article about setting up the software, tag it with terms like "installation," "setup," and "getting started." This way, users can easily find the information they need without having to scroll through multiple articles.

Continuously Update Content

Regularly update the customer knowledge base to reflect product changes, new features, and common customer issues. Jonny mentioned, “Every support ticket that comes in, once you solve that support ticket, create an article for it.” This approach will make sure that the knowledge base remains current and comprehensive.

For instance, if a new feature is added to the software, immediately create a detailed guide and add it to the knowledge base. Similarly, if multiple customers face a particular issue, write a troubleshooting article about it. By keeping the content up-to-date, you can make sure that users always have access to the latest information.

Organize Content Logically

Structure your customer knowledge base in a way that makes sense to the user. Use categories, subcategories, and a clear hierarchy to organize articles. You can, for example, group articles by topics such as "Getting Started," "Advanced Features," and "Troubleshooting." Consider implementing a table of contents or an index to help users navigate the content more easily.

Did you know that you can use MeltingSpot to give users the right information right inside your product or app, exactly when needed? This will make learning easy and will keep everything organized, so users don’t get frustrated and have a great experience.

Solicit Customer Feedback

Regularly gather feedback from customers on the usefulness and clarity of the knowledge base. Use this feedback to make continuous improvements. Jonny’s approach underscores the importance of this: “We should be constantly validating that that is the key business driver that our decision maker wants and that all our metrics are aligned to that.” This means regularly checking if the knowledge base meets the needs of the users and adjusting it based on their input. Encourage users to leave comments or suggestions, and review these regularly to identify areas for improvement.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Even with the best intentions, it’s easy to make mistakes when creating and maintaining a knowledge base. These errors can lead to confusion, frustration, and a less effective resource for your users. By being aware of these blunders, you can avoid them and ensure your knowledge base remains a valuable tool. Here are some common mistakes to watch out for:

Overloading with Information

While it’s important to have comprehensive content, overloading the knowledge base with excessive information can overwhelm users. Focus on providing relevant and actionable information. Use summaries and highlight key points to make articles more digestible.

Instead of lengthy paragraphs, use bullet points and short sentences to convey the main ideas. This approach helps users quickly find and understand the information they need without feeling overwhelmed.

Neglecting the User Experience

A poorly designed knowledge base can be frustrating to navigate. Pay attention to the user experience by ensuring that the interface is intuitive, the design is clean, and the content is easy to find. Avoid clutter and ensure that articles are well-formatted.

Remember, a good user experience is also a customer retention strategy that brings long-term benefits. When users find it easy and pleasant to use your knowledge base, they are more likely to return, increasing their loyalty to your product or service.

Ignoring Analytics

Failing to monitor how users interact with the knowledge base can lead to missed opportunities for improvement. Use analytics to track metrics such as search queries, page views, and time spent on articles. This data can provide insights into what’s working and what needs improvement.

For example, if certain articles have high page views but low time spent, it might indicate that the content isn’t engaging or helpful enough. By regularly reviewing these metrics, you can make informed decisions to enhance the effectiveness of your knowledge base.

Did you know that MeltingSpot tracks user activity and content performance, helping you see what’s working and what needs improvement? Watch this video below to discover how MeltingSpot can transform your customer education!

Lack of Internal Collaboration

Building an effective knowledge base requires collaboration across departments. Involve product, marketing, and support teams in the content creation process to ensure that the information is accurate and comprehensive. Jonny highlighted the importance of cross-functional involvement: “I included CS engineers in content creation... they were fantastic at just speaking to people and communicating concepts.” By bringing in different perspectives and expertise, you can create content that is not only precise but also relevant and user-friendly.

Failure to Promote the Knowledge Base

Even the best knowledge base won’t be effective if customers aren’t aware of it. Promote the knowledge base through various channels, including your website, onboarding emails, support interactions, and product interfaces. Encourage customers to use it as their first point of contact for support.

Product adoption platforms can also help promote your knowledge base by integrating it directly into the user experience. You can check out our top product adoption software article to find which one would be most suitable for you.

Leveraging Technology for a Better Knowledge Base

Using advanced technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) can make your knowledge base much more effective. AI-powered search engines can help your users quickly find exactly what they’re looking for, no matter how they phrase their queries. ML algorithms can also analyze how users interact with your knowledge base, offering personalized recommendations and highlighting popular articles. This way, users will always see the most relevant and helpful information. Embracing these technologies can turn your knowledge base into a smarter, more user-friendly resource.

Integrating with Other Support Channels

A knowledge base should be integrated with other support channels to provide a seamless customer experience. For example, linking knowledge base articles to support tickets can help agents resolve issues more quickly. Additionally, incorporating chatbots that can reference knowledge base articles can provide instant answers to common questions.

MeltingSpot can enhance this integration by enabling in-context access to your knowledge base directly within community discussions and live events, ensuring that help is always just a click away. Want to give it a try? Explore our product and have a look at our amazing integration features and much more!


Building and maintaining an effective customer knowledge base is a continuous process that requires careful planning, execution, and ongoing improvement. By following best practices and avoiding common mistakes, companies can create a valuable resource that empowers customers, reduces support costs, and enhances overall satisfaction.

Jonny Tennyson’s insights, which we shared above, must have shown you the importance of a well-organized, regularly updated knowledge base that integrates seamlessly with other support channels. As customer expectations continue to evolve, investing in a robust customer knowledge base will be essential for driving customer success and achieving long-term growth.